30 April 2012

Treasured finds of the week

just the other day i was complaining about the lack of 
interesting things in our local opshops.
the opshopping gods must have heard me, because on saturday
i went opshopping, only to a couple of shops,
and i was very lucky to find a couple of things
i am delighted it.
then, the same day, my sister in law
dropped by with a boot full of goodies
and i could add to my collection of 
all things vintage, amongst others 
a beautiful crochet blanket with a twist,
and some bbq plates
i was getting worried that was it,
there was never going to be much vintage stuff around
and all i could do to boost my vintage happiness level
was to go on to sophies' flea market finds (here)
and look at others' finds, which are generally amazing.  
there's still hope!
have a wonderful week

my favourite find - an old aqua typewritter, my first ever (and it works)
i love heidi - found this gorgeous storybook and an old book+record
a sweet painting
another mirror for my collection (actually found by my mother in law wendy
those gorgeous bbq plates, must use them on our dinner table one night
my favourite crochet blanket so far, with black all around, thank you megan!

22 April 2012

Treasured finds

what does one have to do around here to find some good stuff in opshops?!!  i haven't found anything really exciting in ages, so i was very much looking forward to our trip to wellington.  we stayed with friends in an area that has (only!!) 5 opshops in a little stetch of road.  i was feeling quite positive when i packed all the kids in the car, and off we went opshopping.  but.  nothing.  very sad.  it's only one hour before we left wellington that we were told where the good opshops are...  So, we will be back wellington!  however, on our way home, we found a lovely retro second hand shop, actually they had everything there that i want in my house... so we spent a bit of money.  nicholas spent the most with the coolest retro petrol can.  i found the loveliest little pixie books for Lulu.  i couldn't resist the little pale pink school chair, and that little bambi was begging me to take it home, as for the retro orange bread bin i had been looking for one just like that for ages so i didn't mind too much the price i had pay for it (well, a little bit, but still it looks nice in my house).  the problem is that i have come home wanting to opshop even more, there are some things i must find!! in the meantime, i admire the treasures found this week by other players at her library adventures's flea market finds (here).  have a look, there's some great stuff there.  xx


20 April 2012

19 April 2012

18 April 2012

17 April 2012

The nutcracker sits under the holiday tree...

"The nutcracker sits the holiday tree, a guardian of childhood stories. Feed him walnuts and he will crack open a tale..." (Vera nazarian, the perpetual calendar of inspiration)

13 April 2012

a few interesting bit and pieces

it's the school holidays, the weather has been a bit all over the place, but we've had some lovely days.  taking the kids for walks in the morning i find always helps relax  everyone and set us up for a lovely day.  yesterday we went to the beach to collect some flat round stones for a craft project (more on this one in a later post).  we went with our dear friends hannah, xandy, bella, and ethan.  

this week i have read 'the paris wife', a lovely book about ernest hemingway and his wife Hadley and their life in paris in the 1920s.  i love hemingway's writing (i specifically write his writing because after reading the book i'm not so sure about the man himself...!) so i found this book particularly interesting.  it's written by Hadley herself and  she gives a very interesting insight into the parisian life of artists at that time. but it's also and mainly a book about their love story and she talks about it beautifully.   you can read a synopsis of the book by clicking here.

i stumble upon this lovely blog this week, called 'lola nova', it's creative, pretty, interesting, and the photos are fun.  check it out by clicking here.
happy weekend! xx

11 April 2012

My creative space

My little crochet project is going slowly, but surely. Two stools, two crochet covers, one still to go... Here's my progress.

Do check the wonderful projects on our creative spaces

05 April 2012

My creative space: crochet covers for stool

Hello creative friends.
This week (or has it been two weeks already?!!) I've been working on a small crochet project, like one biggish afghan square, to cover a green tolix stool. Next I will crochet another with smaller granny square to cover my galvanised tolix stool. I'll show you a picture of the project as it progresses. I hope it will look nice...

Anyone who stumbles upon my blog, do have a look at my creative space, there are some truly talented people out there.

01 April 2012

Treasured finds

i would love to find
some cool vintage fabrics
lovely crochet blankets
more mirrors, really funky ones, for my collection
some vintage pyrex dishes (i only have one...)
and of course, top of my list, any type of cathrineholm enamel dishes
(i only own a tiny little bowl)
oh well.
in the meantime, i have found
a third vintage cage
a bird picture
a cool little duster with real feathers and a retro green handle
and that's all...

i'll keep looking!
for lots of great finds, visit her library adventures
bye for now xx

Kids play

don't kids just love getting their hands dirty? Any play involving slimy stuff, food colouring,just anything messy in the first place seems like a perfect recipe for success. And a lot if laughter. Here's what it was like at our place this afternoon.

it started with emptying eggs for easter decoration...

then they decided to make a 'potion' with the eggs...

finally they moved on to vampire spit or something like that...

and eventually they needed a good wash

i had fun just watching them giggling, so funny!