23 May 2011

Vintage finds

I am relatively new to opshopping and treasure hunting, but have I not made up for it in the last few months!! I wonder what you girls (and boys) out there, who have been thrifting for a long time, do with your finds??
The following pictures show some of my newer treasures. I only caught on a bit late with the 'Flea market finds' game (?!) on Sophie's Her library adventures blog (http://herlibraryadventures.blogspot.com) , so I have decided to show my little finds in one go. Thanks Sophie for such an initiative, it's brilliant!
My favourite, most treasured items, are the shoes (actually found by Zoe). They are wonderful, all my friends are jealous (sorry...) of them, and I feel like a million dollars when I wear them.

kitchen things, surrounding Zoe's gift (the pear!)

THE shoes...

Luciebelle's chest of drawers and mirror (lulu's cot and her name bunting made by Hannah seen in mirror)

I'm in love with those cups, I found them today

my favourite chair

Luciebelle's treasures (found the pram, quilt, necklaces, tin, little knitted rabbit, stripey blue and light pink top and blue cushion today - a good day for Lulu!)

Have a lovely day xxx

1 comment:

  1. What a lot of treasures. I do love opp shopping, my sister has two young daughters, so I am always on the hunt for treasures for them. cheers Marie


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