16 June 2011

Liebster blog award!

Yeah, I got an award, how cool. This is it:
I'm relatively new to blogging, I love it, just as much as :
  • spending time with my dear friends (and family, but that goes without saying really)
  • taking photos
  • opshopping
  • crafting
  • reading
  • there must be more, but at the moment these are the things I'm enjoying most
So, it was so thrilled to receive this award, kindly offered to me by Op Shop Mama. Thank you so much. It is nice to know that there are people out there who like my blog.

This award is for 'small' blogs (meaning with less than 100 followers I believe), and it is nice to pass it on so that others who are not well known yet, but have a lot to offer, can be discovered by others in this fascinating blog world.
Here are the bloggers I would like to pass this award to:
  • Stace @ Lil Knight Lights
    I like the way Stace tells her life story through cool pictures.
  • Hannah @ Simple Soup and Soul
    My dear friend who has a lovely family and shares her loves with us.
  • Custardino (here)
    A real opshopper, I like how she shares stories about her life and opshopping and how she talks about her found treasures
  • Rae at Say it ain't so
    A serious opshopper who finds some very cool treasures every week. She is fun and honest.
Have a great week end!


  1. Thank you so much, I'm really flattered that you like my blog, but best of all the award has led me to your lovely blog! xx


I love reading your comments. Through them, I have learnt that there are some truly beautiful people out there. Thank you.