07 June 2011

Art dolls I love

I'm a big fan of art dolls.

It started when I found Harem6 (see their blog here). They are based somewhere in Romania, Eastern Europe. Their dolls are amazing. Have a look at the pictures of some of their work:

Aren't they original and quite beautiful? They are a bit dark and spooky I agree, but I think that is what gives them that edge that I really like.

And I really like these dolls too, from Evelyn's Wonderland (find blog here). Now they are so fine and eery, what an talented artist.

Then I found this site, The Doll and the Pea (click here for link). These little dolls are adorable.

Don't you think they are so cute and styly, and weird at the same time?

Oh, I wish I could own an art doll and display it in my house...

1 comment:

  1. oh yes, slightly weird, slightly spooky but very interesting dolls. You should google Mirka Mora Dolls to see some wonderful examples by a talented French/Australian artist. I love her work, and I'm sure you will too.


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